Admissions Policy 2026-2027 Consultation
Proposed Admissions Arrangements for September 2026
On behalf of the Trustees of River Learning Trust, the Governors of Seven Fields Primary School are consulting on a proposal to alter the school’s Published Admission Number from September 2026. We propose to reduce the Published Admission Number to 30.
The rationale for this change is because of the fall in the birth rate nationally and locally, resulting in the school having too many available places which makes strategic planning more difficult.
In line with the requirements of the Admissions Code 2014, this consultation seeks to engage with parents and carers of children already at the school, as well as future parents of the school, the staff, other local admissions authorities and other interested parties. The consultation is open for six weeks, responses must be received by 5pm on 15th January 2025.
The consultation will run from Thursday 5th December 2024 to Thursday 16th January 2025 If you have any comments on the proposed changes, or would like a hard copy of the proposal, please email Mrs Gaynor Pearce -, call 01793 723833 or write to:
The Governors
Seven Fields Primary School
Leigh Road
Policy is available to view in the Key Documents area of the website.