Seven Fields Primary School
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Vision, Ethos & Values

At Seven Fields Primary School, our vision is….

To create a culture of learning and discovery that is stimulating and enjoyable
for both children and staff.

We will achieve this by ensuring….

  • an exciting, engaging and enriched curriculum is taught well so all (both staff and pupils) are enthused to learn 
  • the relationships among learners and staff reflect a positive and respectful culture
  • pupils are ambitious for their own aspirations and have positive attitudes to their education by developing their intellectual curiosity.
  • teachers develop detailed knowledge and skills that enable pupils to learn across the curriculum and, as a result, achieve well

At the end of their stay at Seven Fields…

  •  Pupils will become resilient, confident and independent learners who know how to keep physically and mentally healthy.
  •  We will have known and nurtured each child in a holistic manner.
  •  We will have extended our community relationships and links ensuring they are consistent and organised.
  •  We will have ensured the communication within our school family is positive, balanced and fair.
  • We will have built upon and shared each other’s expertise.
  • We will have helped our pupils to discover and develop their interests and talents.

Independent, Confident, Resilient

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