Seven Fields Primary School
In this section...


In PSHE at Seven Fields, we will be learning:

Year Group

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

1 - 6

Being Me in My World

Celebrating Difference

Dreams and Goals

Early Years


  • find ways to calm myself
  • establish a sense of self
  • express preferences
  • engage with others
  • manage transitions
  • play with increased confidence
  • express a range of emotions
  • show increased independence
  • notice simple differences and ask questions
  • develop friendships
  • use the toilet independently
  • select and use activities and resources
  • develop sense of self
  • become more outgoing with unfamiliar people
  • show more confidence in new social situations
  • play with 1 or more children
  • find solutions to conflicts and rivalries
  • follow simple rules
  • becoming more independent when meeting your own care needs
  • make healthy choices about food and drink
  • build relationships
  • show perseverance and resilience


Being Me in My World

  • understand how it feels to belong and that we are similar and different 
  • recognise and manage my feelings
  • understand why it is good to be kind and use gentle hand
  • understand children’s rights and this means we should all be allowed to learn and play


Celebrating Difference

  • identify something I am good at and understand everyone is good at different things
  • understand that being different makes us all special
  • know why my home is special to me
  • know to be a kind friend
  • know which words to use to stand up for myself when someone says or does something unkind


Dreams and Goals

  • understands that if I persevere I can tackle challenge
  • know about a time I didn’t give up until I achieved my goal
  • set a goal and work towards it
  • know how to use kind words to encourage people
  • understand the link between what I learn now and the job I might like to do when I’m older


Healthy Me

  • understand that I need to exercise to keep my body healthy
  • know which foods are healthy and not so healthy 
  • know how to help myself go to sleep and understand why sleep is good for me
  • wash my hands thoroughly and understand why this is important especially before I eat and after I go to the toilet
  • know what a stranger is and how to stay safe if a stranger approaches me



  • identify some of the jobs I do in my family and how I feel like I belong 
  • know how to make friends to stop myself from feeling lonely
  • know ways to solve problems and stay friends
  • understand the impact of unkind words
  • know how to be a good friend


Changing Me

  • name parts of the body
  • know some things I can do and foods I can eat to be healthy
  • understand that we all grow from babies to adults
  • know how I feel about moving to Year 1
  • know some of my worries and/or the things I am looking forward to about being


Year 1

Year 1:

Being Me in My World

  • know that I belong to my class
  • know the rights and responsibilities as a member of the class
  • know how it feels to be proud of a achievement
  • know how to make my class a safe place to learn
  • understand the consequences of the choices I make


Celebrating Difference

  • know similarities and differences between people in my class
  • know what bullying is
  • know how to make new friends
  • know some people I can talk to if I am unhappy


Dreams and Goals

  • Identify my successes and achievements
  • know how to work with a partner
  • know how to face obstacles and how I feel when I overcome them


Healthy Me

  • know the difference between healthy and unhealthy
  • know what are healthy life choices
  • know how germs cause disease and illness
  • know that household products including medication can be harmful if not used properly
  • know how to cross the road safely



  • identity members of my family and know there are different types of families
  • know what being a good friend means
  • know appropriate ways of physical contact to greet my friends
  • know who can help me in my school community
  • know why someone is special to me


Changing Me

  • understand the life cycle of humans
  • understand the life cycle of animals
  • know some ways my body has changed since I was a baby
  • identity parts of the body that makes boys different to girls
  • know correct names for penis/testicles and vagina


Year 2

Year 2:

Being Me in My World

  • know the rights and responsibilities of being a member of my class and school
  • share ideas about rewards and consequences
  • know who to ask for help
  • know how to make the class a safe and fair place
  • know how to work cooperatively


Celebrating Difference

  • know some ways boys and girls are similar and different
  • know how some people make assumptions about boys and girls-stereotypes
  • know that bullying is sometimes about differences
  • know what is right and wrong
  • know how to get help if I am being bullied


Dreams and Goals

  • identify some of my strengths as a learner
  • know what perseverance is
  • understand how to work cooperatively


Healthy Me

  • understand ways to keep my body healthy
  • understand how medicines work
  • understand the importance of using medicines safely
  • sort food into correct food groups
  • know which foods give energy
  • know some healthy snacks are



  • identify different members of my family
  • know safe forms of contact
  • recognise people who can help me in my family, school and community


Changing Me

  • know life cycles
  • understand the process of growing from young to old
  • understand some ways my body changes since I was a baby
  • recognise physical differences between boys and girls
  • know the correct name for penis/testicles and vagina

Year 3

Being Me in My World

  • know how to set personal goals
  • know how to complete new challenges 
  • recognise how it feels to be happy/sad and scared
  • know why we need rules
  • understand my behaviour can bring rewards and consequences
  • know how to work cooperatively in a group


Celebrating Difference

  • understand how families are different
  • understand that differences and conflicts happen between families
  • know some ways to problem solve a bullying situation
  • recognise some words that can be used in a hurtful ways


Dreams and Goals

  • talk about someone who has faced difficult challenges and overcome them to achieve dreams/goals (disability)
  • know a dream I have
  • recognise how to be motivated and enthusiastic to achieve new challenges


Healthy Me

  • understand how exercise affects my body
  • know why heart and lungs are such important organs
  • know what my knowledge and attitude is towards drugs
  • identify things/people and places I need to keep myself safe from
  • understand household substances can be harmful if not used correctly
  • understand why and how to take care of my body



  • begin to understand expectations of males and females
  • identify and put into practice some skills of friendship- take turns and good listener
  • understand how my needs and rights are shared by children around the world
  • begin to identify how our lives are different to children around the world


Changing Me

  • know in animals and humans lots of changes happen between conception and growing up
  • know it is usually the female that has the baby
  • understand how babies grow and develop in the mother’s uterus
  • identify how boys’ and girls’ bodies change on the outside and inside during the growing up process
  • start to recognise stereotypical ideas that I might have about parenting and family role

Year 4

Year 4:

Being Me in My World

  • understand who is in my school community and the roles they play
  • understand how democracy works through the school council
  • understand how democracy and having a voice is important
  • understand other people have feelings and start to empathise with them
  • understand how groups make decisions


Celebrating Difference

  • know how to accept people for who they are
  • understand what influences me to make assumptions based on how people look
  • know what to do if I think bullying is going on
  • know what is special about me and why I’m unique
  • know of a time when my first impression of some-one changed when I got to know them


Dreams and Goals

  • identify my hopes and dreams
  • understand the importance of focussing on happy and positive experiences to counteract disappointment


Healthy Me

  • recognise how to handle difficult emotions
  • understand facts about smoking and its effects on health
  • know some reasons why people start smoking
  • understand facts about alcohol and its effects on health
  • know some reasons why people drink alcohol
  • know for myself what I believe is right and wrong



  • identify web view of an animal rights issue
  • understand how people feel when they lose a special pet
  • know how to show love and appreciation to the people and animals who are special to us


Changing Me

  • understand some of my personal characteristics have come from my birth parents
  • understand those personal characteristics happen because I am made from the joining of their egg and sperm
  • name and label the internal and external parts of male and female bodies that are necessary to make a baby
  • describe how a girl’s body changes to be able to have a baby and that menstruation is a natural part of this

Year 5

Year 5:

Being Me in My World

  • understand my rights and responsibilities as a British citizen
  • empathise with people in this country whose lives are different to my own
  • understand how democracy and having a voice benefits the school community


Celebrating Difference

  • understand that cultural differences sometimes cause conflict
  • understand what racism is
  • understand that rumour spreading and name calling can be bullying behaviour
  • compare my life with people in the developing world
  • respect my own and other people’s cultures


Dreams and Goals

  • understand dreams and goals of children in a culture different to mine
  • understand that communicating with someone in a different culture means we can learn from each other
  • know ways we can support young people here and abroad to meet their aspirations e.g. sponsorship
  • identify a job I can do when I grow up


Healthy Me

  • know the health risks of smoking and how tobacco affects the lungs, liver and heart
  • know some of the risks of misusing alcohol, including anti-social behaviour
  • know that alcohol misuse affects the liver and heart
  • know and put into practice basic emergency aid procedures (including the recovery position)
  • understand how the media and celebrity culture promotes certain body types
  • explain how people develop eating disorders



  • know who I am as a person in terms of my characteristics and personal qualities
  • recognise how friendships change
  • know how to make new friends
  • know how to manage conflict when I fall out with friends
  • understand how it feels to be attracted to someone and what having a boyfriend/girlfriend might mean
  • understand how to stay safe when using technology


Changing Me

  • have some awareness of my own self image
  • explain how a girl’s body changes during puberty
  • understand the importance of looking after yourself physically and emotionally
  • describe how boys’ and girls’ bodies change during puberty
  • understand sexual intercourse can lead to conception and that is how babies are made

Year 6

Year 6:

Being Me in My World

  • know that there are universal rights for all children but for many children these rights are not met
  • understand my actions affect other people locally and globally understand how an individual’s behaviour can impact on a group


Celebrating Difference

  • understand there are different perceptions about what normal means
  • understand how having a disability can affect some-one’s life
  • understand how democracy and having a voice benefits the school community
  • explain ways in which difference can be a source of conflict and a cause of celebration


Dreams and Goals

  • know how to set challenging goals for myself
  • identify problems in the world and talk to others about them
  • know how to work with others to make the world a better place


Healthy Me

  • know the impact of food on the body
  • know about different types of drugs
  • know about drug use and the effects on the body particularly the liver and heart
  • understand when alcohol is being used responsibly, anti-socially or being misused
  • know and can put into practice basic emergency aid procedures
  • understand what it means to be emotionally well and explore people’s attitudes towards mental health/illness



  • identify significant people in my life so far
  • know some of the feelings we can have when someone dies or leaves
  • understand there are different stages of grief
  • recognise when people are trying to gain power or control
  • understand how technology can be used to gain power/control and how to use it positively


Changing Me

  • know how to develop my self-esteem
  • understand how I feel about the changes that happen to me during puberty
  • explain how girls’ and boys’ bodies change during puberty
  • understand the importance of looking after yourself physically and emotionally
  • understand and explain how a baby develops from conception to birth and understand how babies are born
  • understand how being physically attracted to someone changes the nature of the relationship
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